Unitarian Universalist Religious Education

Unitarian Universalists (UUs) believe in a liberal religious education. As a non-creedal faith we explore religious truth, meaning and faith. We also promote the principles of justice, love, trust, safety, tolerance and encouragement. Our religious education programming covers a broad spectrum that enriches the lives of all in our community based on our seven UU Principles and drawing from our six UU Sources.
For more information on specific programs, please go to Children's RE and Youth Programs by clicking here.
UU Principles for Children
UU Principles - Children’s Version
Every person is important.
Be kind in all you do.
We’re free to learn together.
We can search for what is true.
All people need a voice.
Build a fair and peaceful world.
We care for the Earth.
We invite you to participate in and benefit from our rich offerings. We also invite you to share your knowledge, passions, and experience with our community. Contact Thea Shapiro, Director of Religious Education at dre@fculittle.org.