Today was our annual Thanksgiving Service with Cornbread and Cider Communion, led by our deacons. It was a treat, and great to see so many kids today! Later tonight we will participate in the Littleton Council of Churches Thanksgiving Interfaith Service. I’m looking forward to it! I’m feeling grateful for community today.
I’m also feeling grateful for… the ukulele?
First Church Unitarian in Littleton has a UU Ukes group. It has quickly grown from a fairly small group to a pretty big one! They play and sing together, and it is joyful and fun. All abilities and ages are welcome.
There’s not much in life that’s better than making music with people you enjoy. I suppose eating a meal with people you enjoy is pretty great too — I hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving.
Hi is the uke group open to non UU members?
Yes, it is! There are some non-church-member (and non-UU) UU Ukers. Check it out!
I direct the UU Ukes. We meet on Sunday mornings after our church service. We usually start around 11:45 and go to about 1:15+/-. Right now we are getting ready for our Christmas concert at the church December 22nd.
We are open to all, most of our players are at the intermediate level.
If you’re interested send me an email and I will forward to you the next group email.