November: Memory – honest remembrance & honoring the shoulders on which we stand
“Life is not what one lives, but what one remembers and how one remembers it in order to recount it.” Gabriel García Márquez
Our theme this month is “about reclaiming and remembering of things of great value:
● Reclaiming an honest history;
● Remembering those who have gone before and the guidance they have for us today;
● Remembering and noticing all of life’s gifts that [surround] us;
● Remembering our UU values in a world where buying stuff is more important than being good people.
…this boils down to the idea that we should reach back and gather the best of what our past has to teach us, so that we can achieve our full potential as we move forward. Whatever we have lost, forgotten, forgone, or been stripped of can be reclaimed, revived, preserved, and perpetuated. “
From Soul Matters
So, this month we will remember and honor Native Americans, people of color, and some UU history in worship and in our religious education program in order to create new and accurate memories.
“Memory is never a precise duplicate of the original… it is a continuing act of creation.” Rosalind Cartwright
Vicki Merriam, Director of Religious Education
RE Calendar November
4 – KidSpace: Building on the West African story, “Sankofa”, we will create a house as a symbol of a place for all people. We’ll make pictures of the Sankofa goose which reminds us to look to the past in order to move forward into the future and we’ll play “ampe” a game from Ghana.
11 – KidSpace: “Sharing Memories” – We’ll remember some our own memories, focus on UU values, make people paper chains and play memory games.
18 – “Gratitude and Memory” – Thanksgiving Whole Congregation Worship Service: We will join together in our traditional Corn Bread and Cider Communion, share a real story about the first Thanksgiving, hear a homily from Rev. Lara, and begin our Guest At Your Table program. Please bring non-perishable items for Loaves and Fishes.
Sunday Social follows worship when we will share a Thanksgiving “feast” and other related activities. Sponsored by Member Outreach and Hospitality.
25 – KidSpace: a game day for all ages which enhances community and our values.
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