December 24, 2023
December 17, 2023
The Parable of the First Pancake and the Parable of the Crowded Antique Shop. What more do you need to know?
December 10, 2023
DRE Thea Shapiro and I co-led a joyful multigenerational service celebrating the light of Solstice, Yule, Advent, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and St. Lucia Day.
December 3, 2023
For the First Sunday of Advent, I preached about space leading to growth. There was some amazing guest music, too!
November 26, 2023
FCU lay leaders (and last year’s General Assembly delegates) Kris Ersland, Cindy Heiland, and Lori Locascio lead a service discussing UU values, change, and the proposed amendment to Article II of the UUA bylaws.
November 19, 2023
Our annual Cornbread & Cider Communion Service, the Sunday before Thanksgiving, co-led by DRE Thea Shapiro, the Deacons, and me. I talked about one of our great UU forebears, Lydia Maria Child.
November 12, 2023
I explore “the power of positive thinking” and “the secret” in light of Barbara Ehrenreich’s book, “Bright-Sided”. The Share-the-Plate recipient was the Greater Boston Food Bank.
November 5, 2023
My sermon explored the relative (un?)importance of reason…
October 29, 2023
Director of Religious Education Thea Shapiro led this multigenerational service in honor of Halloween.
October 22, 2023
My sermon considered what the Big Bang Theory might suggest, theologically-speaking. The Share-the-Plate recipient was Veterans, Inc.
October 15, 2023
I examine what it is to have a sense of place with some help from Deborah Tall’s “From Where We Stand: Recovering a Sense of Place”.
October 8, 2023
FCU member Lorinda Morimoto and I share our thoughts this Indigenous People’s Day with a focus on justice for Leonard Peltier. Special music by Brian Tarbox!
October 1, 2023
I talk about “Radical Curiosity” based on the book by Seth Goldenberg. Also, Alessandra visits from Austria! Lots of cool music, too, with a solo from Natalie and more.
September 24, 2023
We take a look at the Jewish holiday Yom Kippur from a UU lens, and also from the lens of climate crisis.
September 17, 2023
You’ve heard about “trigger warnings”… but what are “glimmer warnings”?
September 10, 2023
Our traditional ingathering service with Water Communion!
June 18, 2023
On our final “regular” worship service of the “church year”, we recognized the 100th Anniversary of the Flower Communion, a UU tradition. We also awarded the “Keeper of the Flame” to Hugh Vartanian!
June 11, 2023
A Coming-of-Age Service co-led by youth Máiréad Foley-Catalano and Oliver Malley!
June 4, 2023
We take a look at LGBTQ+ Pride and Possibility as of 2023… and have a New Member Welcoming Ceremony!
May 28, 2023
FCU’s own (retired UU minister) Rev. Jackie Clement and fabulous youth Oliver Malley co-lead a service on neurodiversity!
May 21, 2023
Music Director Molly Lozeau and I discuss (in answer to a “Question Box”/”Ask the Minister” query) what makes The Beatles so special. Lots of fun! Our own Patti Sardella also talked about NAMI for our Share-the-Plate.
May 14, 2023
We acknowledge Mother’s Day, and my sermon continues the discussion of what we can learn from the “Spirituality of the Decades” services we had this year.
May 7, 2023
I preached the final in my “spirituality of the decades” sermons which started back in October with the 50s!
April 30, 2023
Deacon Cindy Malley leads a fabulous service with others from FCU’s Racial Justice Action Committee (RJAC)!
April 23, 2023
DRE Thea Shapiro and I co-led a multigenerational Earth Day service!
April 16, 2023
I preached about hiding in plain sight, of course! And about imperfection, and “Imposter Syndrome”. Our share-the-plate was Compassion and Choices.
April 2, 2023
The 6th in my series of sermons and services exploring the spiritual and theological messages hidden within the modern decades.
March 26, 2023
Former FCU minister Rev. Fred Small returns to the pulpit for the first time since 2008!
March 19, 2023
Did we create math, or did math create us?
March 12, 2023
Our annual “Stewardship Sunday”.
March 5, 2023
The fifth in our series of examining the spirituality and theology hidden within the modern US decades…
February 26, 2023
FCU’s own Rev. Jackie Clement guest preaching! Excellent sermon.
February 19, 2023
We consider how Unitarian Transcendentalist forebears were inspired by Vedanta, the wisdom tradition of Hinduism.
February 5, 2023
The fourth in our series considering the theological and spiritual messages hidden within modern US decades…
January 22, 2023
Why do we sometimes feel compassion, but other times not so much?
January 15, 2023
The Racial Justice Action Committee (RJAC) and I lead the annual MLK service.
January 8, 2023
An annual tradition… we remember those we’ve lost in the past year and celebrate new life too.
December 24, 2022
For the first time since December 24, 2019, we were able to have a candlelight service for Christmas Eve! Lots of beautiful music.
December 18, 2022
For the second year in a row, DRE Thea Shapiro and the congregation had great fun with a “no rehearsal” and alternative pageant, adapted from Norman Allen’s work.
December 11, 2022
The third in a series, discovering the hidden spirituality of a decade!
December 4, 2022
An experiment! What would it be like to worship without an Order of Service printed out? We give it a try…
November 27, 2022
FCU Deacon Monica Pilman delivers a thoughtful talk on democracy.
November 20, 2022
An annual tradition! The FCU Deacons serve communion, and we give thanks. Wonderful guest musicians, including Carolyn McCreary, Emma Bruns Riffelmacher, Eric Semple, Sara Weeks, and Charlie Weeks.
November 13, 2022
We carry on with the second of our “Spirituality of the Decades” series with a look at the 1960s. Great music, of course!
November 6, 2022
An auction-sermon topic! Interesting stuff, to me.
October 30, 2022
FCU’s own (retired UU minister) Rev. Jackie Clement led a wonderful multigenerational service on “Dia de los Muertos” (“Day of the Dead”).
October 23, 2022
I discuss guns and the culture of violence in the USA in light of Littleton’s own gun issue.
October 16, 2022
The first in my series on the spirituality of modern US decades; I consider the spiritual lessons of the 1950s. Unfortunately, the first 28 minutes of the video were lost. The video starts at the very end of the choir’s anthem. Don’t miss the postlude!
October 9, 2022
For Indigenous Peoples Day Sunday, I preached on land acknowledgement and the reality that our church is on the historical lands of the Nashobah Praying Indians. Lorinda Morimoto also shared her own perspective.
October 2, 2022
I considered change and impermanence, and was bold (or foolhardy) enough to end with a reworking of Isaiah 43:18-19, which was the inspiration for the sermon title, of course.
September 25, 2022
I explored the Jewish New Year, or Rosh Hashanah, and attempted to demonstrate some shofar blasts and their meanings. We had some difficulty with sound in this video.
September 18, 2022
I have been reading a lot about Transcendentalism lately. It occurred to me… we are Transcendentalists today! Upon reading further, other UUs agree (notably retired UU ministers Rev. Barry Andrews and Rev. Jim Sherblom, both of whose books confirmed many of the thoughts I have been having, including even Peter Mayer’s “Holy Now” as a Transcendentalist song… great minds think alike? (Unfortunately we had technical difficulties on this day and the first half of the service is missing from this video.)