December 31, 2023
November 19, 2023
Our annual Cornbread & Cider Communion Service, the Sunday before Thanksgiving, co-led by DRE Thea Shapiro, the Deacons, and me. I talked about one of our great UU forebears, Lydia Maria Child.
October 22, 2023
My sermon considered what the Big Bang Theory might suggest, theologically-speaking. The Share-the-Plate recipient was Veterans, Inc.
October 1, 2023
I talk about “Radical Curiosity” based on the book by Seth Goldenberg. Also, Alessandra visits from Austria! Lots of cool music, too, with a solo from Natalie and more.
September 10, 2023
Our traditional ingathering service with Water Communion!
June 11, 2023
A Coming-of-Age Service co-led by youth Máiréad Foley-Catalano and Oliver Malley!
April 30, 2023
Deacon Cindy Malley leads a fabulous service with others from FCU’s Racial Justice Action Committee (RJAC)!
April 2, 2023
The 6th in my series of sermons and services exploring the spiritual and theological messages hidden within the modern decades.