October 31, 2021
Our wonderful Director of Religious Education Thea Shapiro delivers the homily.
October 31, 2021
Our wonderful Director of Religious Education Thea Shapiro delivers the homily.
June 20, 2021
In our final “regular church year” worship service for 2020-2021, we celebrated Flower Communion, our outgoing RE Chair, our incoming DRE, and Father’s Day!
May 30, 2021
We considered the proposed new 8th Principle for the UUA with “Eight Is Enough”. The proposed 8th Principle is: “We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.”
May 16, 2021
As we have talked about over the years, our congregation is (strange as it may seem) descended from the Puritans. You might recall that the Pilgrims (or “Separatists”) who landed in Plymouth in 1620 are a particular subset of the Puritans. For our Auction Sermon, our own church historian, Joyce Williams, has asked me some interesting questions. Namely, How did the Separatists (or Pilgrims) of Plymouth Colony and the Puritans of Boston get along? Did they merge? I found some interesting information to share, and some thoughts about what we might learn from it all.
April 18, 2021
This was our online-only “Earth Day Sunday” service. If you watch on YouTube, click “show more” to see the Order of Service. This was also Share the Plate Sunday, and our special offering went to the Cambodian Mutual Assistance Association (CMAA) of Lowell.
February 14, 2021
On February 14, 2021, with the Christian season of Lent approaching, we thought together about sacrifice. If you watch on YouTube, click on “Show more” to see the Order of Service.
January 24, 2021
On January 24, 2021, our own FCU-member Rev. Jackie Clement delivered the sermon and led the service! If you watch on YouTube, click “show more” to see the Order of Service.
December 6, 2020
Our online-only service on December 6, 2020 was an appreciation of Zen Buddhism and the stillness and mindfulness of the tradition. If you watch on YouTube, click on “Show More” to see the Order of Service.
November 18, 2020
On November 18, 2020, our guest preacher was FCU member Lori Locascio, who preached a sermon and created a service based on a UUA General Assembly workshop on magic by UU ministerial candidate Rob Kinslow that inspired her. If you watch on YouTube, click on “Show More”, and you’ll see the Order of Service and blue time stamps.
October 18, 2020
On October 18, 2020, we thought about listening deeply to children. If you watch the video on YouTube, click on “Show More” to see the Order of Service and blue time stamps.