October 14, 2018
What can we learn from the behavior of the lost?
September 30, 2018
In the Sweet Honey in the Rock song, Ysaye M. Barnwell asks, “Would you harbor me? Would I harbor you?” In this sermon, I talk about what it is to offer safe harbor and sanctuary, particularly to our immigrant and refugee siblings.
September 23, 2018
Just a few weeks into this new settlement, I tried to encourage parishioners to get past fears and to start thinking about changes ahead, even dreams, for First Church Unitarian.
September 9, 2018
Like many Unitarian Universalist congregations, First Church Unitarian in Littleton has a Water Ceremony (sometimes called Water Communion) for its ingathering, homecoming Sunday. This was the all-ages reflection that I delivered that day, my first Sunday leading worship as the settled minister of FCU, September 9, 2018.
September 1, 2018
I haven’t preached this at First Church Unitarian in Littleton… But this is the sermon your search team heard me preach back when I was a pre-candidate! Follen Community Church in Lexington recorded it when I was there on February 18, 2018, so here it is for the rest of you to watch if you like. And seeing as it’s your big chance to learn the meaning of life, you probably want to watch, right?