The annual canvass of members (or pledge drive) is typically held in April of each year. At that time, members and Friends are asked to make a financial commitment to the church for the coming calendar year. A pledge is a promise of financial support and can be made at any time during year.
Making a pledge to FCU indicates your willingness to support the church financially and is a step toward becoming an active member of the church. As an active member, you have the right to participate in the governance of the church and to vote on all issues that require a vote of the membership.
We hope that each household in our church community will take the time to consider what First Church Unitarian means to them, how important financial support is to our community and to make a pledge that is responsible to both the household and to the church.
Many households fulfill their annual pledges by placing a check or a pledge envelope in the offering during worship services. Some choose to send checks to the church by mail on a monthly or quarterly basis while others pay the entire pledged amount at once.
If you have questions about making a financial commitment to the church, please feel free to ask the Church Office Administrator, the Membership Committee or the Stewardship Committee and we will see that your questions are answered.