December 1, 2024
- Martha Childs
- Mary Giurleo
- Rev. Lara Hoke
- Thea Shapiro
- Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion
- change
- fighting fascism
- Time for All Ages
- values
June 2, 2024
This was the annual auction sermon topic this year!
May 19, 2024
Rev. Lara’s return-from-sabbatical Sunday!
October 2, 2022
I considered change and impermanence, and was bold (or foolhardy) enough to end with a reworking of Isaiah 43:18-19, which was the inspiration for the sermon title, of course.
January 27, 2019
My short sermon was part of a whole church (also known as “multi-generational”) worship service reflecting on the concept of “Perfectly Imperfect; Impossibly Possible”, and considering things we “used-to-think”. (The service was followed by a whole church “Winter Comfort” Sunday Social where members and friends were asked to bring their favorite comfort food to share, and to wear pajamas. That is why I’m in pajamas!)
September 23, 2018
Just a few weeks into this new settlement, I tried to encourage parishioners to get past fears and to start thinking about changes ahead, even dreams, for First Church Unitarian.